July 26, 2009

How-to Make Photo Frames Match

Perhaps you're looking to make a photo wall, or you have a handful of old frames that don't all match one another -- or both. Four words -- Spray paint. Thrift Store.

When my husband and I got married between the two of us we had a number of mismatched frames. I wanted to make a photo wall in our hallway using classic black frames. So I purchased a can of flat black spray paint, took a drop cloth and headed outside. Now what was once about 15 mismatched frames that I wouldn't have dreamed of arranging together all match nicely.

If you're wanting to make a photo wall but do not have the plethora of frames necessary, head to some second hand shops and see what frames they have. Most second hand stores have plenty to pick from. Then pick up some spray paint and viola.

Generally frames are a bit pricey, especially the ones that have nice secure means of holding the photos in. If you're looking for just one or two frames, the cost might not put much of a dent in the wallet. But if you are looking to do an entire wall, the price can add up quickly.

A can of spray paint generally will not cost more than $5, and the cost of a second hand frame is along the lines of $.50 - $1.

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