May 12, 2012

Striped Dining Table

I decided to do monthly onesies for my daughter and after using an ironing board for month one and not having the transfer go on a well as I'd like, realized I needed to use a more solid surface.  Given my dining table was the most solid surface in my home I laid some thick fabric on the table and proceeded to adhere the iron on to the onesie.  Big mistake!  Here is what happened to my table!

I was so bummed when I realized I had more or less destroyed my table top!  Oops!  So I decided to try to get a little creative and turn this new lemon into lemonade!  And can I say, I wish I had done it sooner!

(excuse the shadows from the overhead powerlines)

This was so easy!  I used two colors of spray paint (Rust-oleum Wildflower Blue & Slate Blue in satin).  First I sprayed the entire table top with the slate blue and let it dry overnight.  Because I'm lazy and didn't want to measure, I took 2" masking tape and taped the entire table top in rows then pulled it off where I wanted the slate blue stripes to be.  I then went over the table top with the wildflower blue, let it dry and then pulled back the tape.  I did have to touch up a few places (mostly because I didn't bother with sanding & priming) and then I let it dry for a day or so before using the table again so the paint would get nice and hard.  

1 comment:

  1. I love your table tutorial! It turned out great :) I am a new reader, creating over at

    Tanya :)
